Friday, November 23, 2012

Dog Play - Dog Training in Milton Ontario

Just sharing some images of dog play. Some times play is misunderstood as aggression because of the noise and actions that come with it. Although play can get over the top if not monitored, most play is just that ... play, even with all the noise and drama that comes with it. Body language is the key to reading play, and even though some actions might look aggressive, most of the time, they are not.

There are times, however, when one dog may become frustrated, especially if an older dog is bothered by toothy puppy advances, a rude adolescent or over overly excitable playmate. It is best to step in at this point and end the play so that nothing escalates beyond two dogs having a good time.

The Jack Russell is the senior of the pair below, and in fact is playing, but prefers to control the game with younger, excitable dogs. Her play looks and sounds aggressive, but I assure you, it is not. This is her having a good time, and the pup with her comes back for more.

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